Identifying Plumeria
Cultivars by Flower Color
The following key to 40 major plumeria cultivars and is based on the most prominent color in the petal. Additional information on each cultivar, including descriptions of the petals and leaves, is presented afterward. Color determinations were based on the Munsel Hue Scale of the Nickerson Color Fan. When synonyms occur, the more frequently used name is given first, with the others in parentheses.
Strong Red
Dark red center and moderate reddish brown bands on back.
- Scott Pratt (Kohala) –
- Flower: Dark Red with black-red radiating from center, 21⁄2 inch diameter; narrow petals moderately overlapping, average thickness; slight spicy scent; thick texture, keeping quality good
- Leaves: 8–9 inches long, dark green with dark red veins. Tend to stay upright.
- Tree: average grower, grows 1-2 foot per year.
- Propagation: rarely products Seedpods, can be hard to root
- Registration # 093
- Hilo Beauty –
- Flower: Dark Red with gold center. 31⁄2–4 inch diameter; wide petals slightly overlapping; slight spicy scent; medium texture; keeping quality excellent.
- Leaves: 11–12 inches long, dark green with blue green look.
- Tree: Tall upright grower, well branched, branches cut tend to die back to branch
- Propagation: should be grafted, hard to root.
- Registration # 132
- Schmidt Red – 21⁄2 inch diameter; narrow petals moderately overlapping; slight spicy scent; leaves 8–9 inches long, green with dark red veins.
Moderate Strong Red
Small, brilliant yellow center and strong red bands on back
- Cerise – 31⁄4 inch diameter; narrow petals slightly overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 12–13 inches long.
- Japanese Lantern (Flower Basket) – 3 inch diameter; narrow petals slightly overlapping, tips twisted downward; slight sweet scent; leaves 13–15 inches long.
- Donald Angus – 3 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; mild sweet scent; leaves 13–14 inches long.
Small, pale orange-yellow center and moderate reddish-brown bands on front and back
- Irma Bryan – 21⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight spicy scent; leaves 12–13 inches long, green with dark red veins.
- Keiki (Miniature Lavender) – 2 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; grainy pigmentation; slight spicy scent; leaves 10–11 inches long, green with red veins.
Strong Reddish-Yellow
Large, brilliant yellow center and moderate red bands on back;
- Kauka Wilder – 3 inch diameter; narrow petals slightly overlapping; strong sweet scent; leaves 16–17 inches long.
Blend of Strong Red, Strong Pink
Small, brilliant yellow center and strong red bands on front;
- Duke- 31⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; strong sweet scent; leaves 18–19 inches long.
Deep pink
Large, brilliant yellow center and strong red bands on back;
- Kaneohe Sunburst – 33⁄4 inch diameter; narrow petals slightly overlapping; mild sweet scent; leaves 13–14 inches long.
Small, brilliant yellow center and strong red bands on back;
- Plastic Pink (Royal Hawaiian) – 3 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; mild lemon scent; leaves 16–17 inches long.
Moderate Pink
Small, brilliant yellow center and strong red bands on back
- Grove Farm – 41⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 15–16 inches long
- Moir – 31⁄4 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; mild lemon scent; leaves 15–16 inches long Mela Matson – 31⁄4 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight lemon scent; leaves 13–16 inches long.
- Dean Conklin – 31⁄2–41⁄2 inch diameter; long, elliptical petals slightly overlapping; base color salmon-orange; faint spicy carnation scent; leaves 15–16 inches long.
Pale Pink
Small, brilliant yellow center and moderate pink bands on back;
- Tillie Hughes – 31⁄4 inch diameter; narrow petals moderately overlapping, slight sweet scent; leaves 18–19 inches long.
Blend of Moderate Pink and White
Small, brilliant yellow center and deep pink bands on back
- Espinda – 31⁄4 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 16–19 inches long.
- Maui Beauty (Manoa Beauty) – 31⁄4 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight lemon scent; leaves 15–18 inches long.
- Loretta – 21⁄2–3 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 17–18 inches long.
- Tomlinson – 3 inch diameter; wide petals, grainy pigmentation, white venation, moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 17–18 inches long.
- Carmen – 21⁄2–3 inch diameter; wide petals extended straight out or slightly downward, moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 13–14 inches long
- Ruffles (Vanda) – 2 inch diameter; wide petals, wavy margins, moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 13–14 inches long.
Brilliant Yellow
Narrow, strong red bands on front and back
- Puu Kahea (OSullivan, Fiesta) – 41⁄4 inch diameter; long and narrow petals, twisted and slightly overlapping; mild lemon scent; leaves 15–16 inches long.
- Nebels Rainbow – 31⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 16–17 inches long.
- Lurline – 31⁄2–4 inch diameter; long, reflexed petals moderately overlapping; orange throat; spicy fragrance; leaves 14–15 inches long.
Wide, strong red bands on front and back
- Pauahi Alii – 31⁄4 inch diameter; narrow petals slightly overlapping; lemon scent; leaves 13–14 inches long
Wide, strong pink bands on front and back
- Kimo – 3 inch diameter; wide petals highly overlapping; slight lemon scent; leaves 13–14 inches long.
White margin around petals
- Celadine (Common Yellow, Graveyard Yellow)Wide margin; 31⁄2 inch diameter; narrow petals slightly overlapping; strong lemon fragrance; leaves 15–18 inches long with long acuminate tips.
- Gold (Petersons Yellow) – Narrow margin; 23⁄4 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight lemon scent; leaves 13–14 inches long
No color bands on front or back
- Sherman (Polynesian White) – 41⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals slightly overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 17–19 inches long.
- Singapore – 31⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals, no overlapping; strong lemon scent; leaves 13–14 inches long, dark green, glossy, with obtuse tips.
- Dwarf Singapore – 11⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals highly overlapping, forming a cupped flower; lemon scent; leaves 6–7 inches long, light green, semi glossy, with acute tips.
- King Kaläkaua (Miniature White) – 11⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; scent similar to gardenia; leaves 15–16 inches long.
Pink bands on back
- Hausten White (Willows White) – 31⁄2–4 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 17–19 inches long.
- Elena – 33⁄4 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 14–15 inches long.
- Samoan Fluff (Tahitian White) – 31⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals highly overlapping; slight sweet scent; leaves 16–17 inches long.
- Daisy Wilcox – 41⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals slightly overlapping, with pink tips and strong yellow center; light pink band on back of petal; spicy scent; leaves 16–18 inches long.
Strong red bands on back
- Madame Poni (Star, Corkscrew, Curly Holt, Waianae Beauty) – 31⁄2 inch diameter; narrow petals with twist along length, sometimes trough-shaped; slight sweet scent; leaves 14–15 inches long.
- White Shell – 1 inch diameter; partially opened bud; base color white; narrow petals partially unfurled; strong sweet scent; leaves 12–13 inches long.
- Peachglow Shell – 1 inch diameter; partially opened bud; base color yellow-orange; narrow petals partially unfurled; strong sweet scent; leaves 12–18 inches long.
Orange and Pink
- Madame Poni (Star, Corkscrew, Curly Holt, Waianae Beauty) – 31⁄2 inch diameter; narrow petals with twist along length, sometimes trough-shaped; slight sweet scent; leaves 14–15 inches long.
Violets and Light Purples
- Black Purple – 31⁄2 inch diameter; wide petals moderately overlapping: slight sweet scent; leaves 12–14 inches long.
Orange and Pink
- Madame Poni (Star, Corkscrew, Curly Holt, Waianae Beauty) – 31⁄2 inch diameter; narrow petals with twist along length, sometimes trough-shaped; slight sweet scent; leaves 14–15 inches long.