
Plumeria Today > Celadine

Plumeria cv ‘Celadine’

Petal Shading

  • Top: Yellow 14B fading to pale Yellow 4D near tip.
  • Bottom: Pale Yellow 4D with a small stripe of Yellow 7A in the lower right.



  • Flower Width: 9.5 cm
  • Texture: Good
  • Tendency to Fade: Slight
  • Petal Type: Obovate, sometines reflexed, round tip
  • Fragrance: Plumeria
  • Intenstiy of Fragrance: Strong


  • Color: Green, glossy
  • Texture: Rigid
  • Leaf Border Color: Light red
  • Petiole Color: Green w/hint of red
  • Shape: Oblanceolate, acuminate tip
  • Length: 39 cm
  • Width: 11 cm


  • Pollen Parent: Unknown
  • Seed Parent: Unknown
  • Deciduous
  • Seed production: Average
  • Branching: Fair to good
  • Growth habit: Upright, dense
  • Measured Trunk Circumference: 44 cm

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